Jeans and t-shirt dressing has been a Summer staple for me. It is so easy and convenient to just throw on a top with some well-worn jeans. I've been feeling a little like a bum after round 2 of Covid-19 and thought I needed an elevated t-shirt to add to the rotation.

A good t-shirt requires a wonderful knit. I immediately ran to Nature's Fabrics to explore their wonderful prints. Blue is my favorite color and this Denim Tie-dye Bamboo/Spandex Jersey from Nature's Fabric is so me.

Once I had the fabric chosen, I had to choose a pattern from my extensive stash. I returned to a tried and true Simplicity 8138 tunic pattern. I did not want to disrupt the stripes an thought this would showcase the print well. I have made two other versions of this pattern in the past with great success. This is my first time trying it with a knit.

I had one and a half yards of fabric which was just enough for this tunic. I cut the pattern with my pattern weights and rotary cutter.

After quite a time matching and re-matching stripes on a dress last Summer, it was time to try something new. I was mindful of the stripes when I was cutting. Before going to the machine, I tried glue-basting the seams with basic school glue. A light press with the iron held the slippery fabric in place perfectly.

A quick check confirmed this technique as a winner!

I was stitching something up on my Altair embroidery machine while I was cutting this out. I could not stop that process so I decided to see if I could sew the tunic in its entirety on my Accolade serger and cover-stitch. I'm so happy to know I can! I increased my ability to multitask on multiple machines, I getting me one step closer to super human status!
The general construction of this tunic was fairly simple. One modification I made was to the neckline. I like to add a little more stability there when using knit fabrics. To achieve it, I serged a length of clear elastic to the circumference of the opening.

The clear elastic is secured along the cut edge of the fabric. If you don't have a serger, this can be done with a zig-zag stitch on your sewing machine.

I turned the neckline edge to the inside of the tunic and used the cover-stitch to secure it. With a twin needle on your sewing machine can achieve similar results. It gives a smooth neckline finish without puckers. The added security of the clear elastic ensures longevity of wear.

The edge finishing on the slits of the tunic and the bottom hem were completed on the serger. I really like the way this turned out. The fact that I completely constructed this on the Accolade while my Altair was stitching a complicated embroidery, really excites me! If I am strategic with my making, I can maximize my time in the studio and my creative output.

Happy Sewing,
I love this!!!
This tunic came out fabulous. Thanks for the tips on the neckline.